In the case of investments classified as Strategic Investments, under a decision of the Government Committee for Strategic Investments, Residence Permits may be issued to a legal representative of the investor and to up to 10 additional persons, for whom a residence permit is a prerequisite for the unimpeded implementation of an investment plan.
Such persons may be accompanied by members of their families, as well as by domestic workers, provided that an applicant has disabilities necessitating personal assistance.
Upon their own request, applicants may be granted a personal residence permit that is renewed or/and expires concurrently with the residence permit of the sponsor (the legal representative).
Requests for these residence permits shall be reviewed by all competent authorities as a matter of absolute priority.
Strategic Investments shall be construed as those productive investments which relate specifically to the construction, reconstruction, expansion, restructuring, modernization or maintenance of existing infrastructure, facilities and networks: a. in manufacturing, b. in the energy sector, c. in tourism, d. in transport and communications, e. in the provision of health services, f. in waste management, g. in projects of high-end technology and innovation, h. in the education sector, i. in the culture sector, j. in the primary sector and the processing of agri-foodstuffs, and k. in the provision of services of the tertiary sector in general, provided that they meet at least one of the following conditions:
- The total cost of the investment exceeds 100 million Euro
- The total cost of the investment exceeds 15 million Euro, for investments in the industry sector in currently operating industrial zones or 3 million Euro for investments that are approved projects within the JESSICA fund context (JESSICA stands for Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas)
- The total cost of the investment is over 40 million Euro and concurrently creates at least 120 new employment positions
- At least 150 new employment positions are created from the investment in a viable manner or at least 600 jobs are retained
- The investment cost exceeds 5 million Euro for the development of business parks